Shannon on Stephen Avenue, her new stomping grounds
There are lots of tourist picture opportunities!

deep fried Oreo's
Poutine and
jalepeno poppers

After this is was the NKOTBSB concert (and if I have to explain that to you, you won't care)
Shannon on Stephen Avenue, her new stomping grounds
There are lots of tourist picture opportunities!
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 12:20 AM 1 comments
If Santa brought flowers, of course.
The folks at deVry Greenhouses rang the doorbell and said we were welcome to all the flowers we wanted as a little end of season neighbourly thank you.
They said take all we wanted because whatever was left at the end of the street was getting tossed
Well did they ever ring the right bell. Judy couldn't believe her luck!
All our free flowers
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Typical West Coast beach scene with snow topped mountians in the background
Pink ice cream!!
We like it when Daddy's not around so we can get really messy!
Catching fish with Grandpa
Collecting eggs
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 9:53 AM 1 comments
The threat of rain had us all fearing being stuck in the house with Ella, so we hurried out of the house before it was too late and headed to the Vancouver Game Farm.
Our first stop was the bird show and this magnificent owl
Ella riding Bambi
Some kind of horned sheep thing
Ella's fav of the day, the baby pig/boar
Funniest face I've seen her make in awhile :)
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 12:09 PM 0 comments
More of Julia eating because I just can't get over it. This time it is Porcupine Meatballs, minus the sauce
OOOh what's this?
Open mouth....
Bullseye! This is yummy!
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Loving the sunny weather
Baby Led Weaning.
We skipped the pureed baby food and have gone straight to finger foods. Julia LOVES IT!
Favs include cucumber, red and yellow pepper and cantaloupe.
Broccoli tends get tossed off the tray
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 12:36 AM 1 comments
Posted by Ryan and Sarah Sutherland at 2:35 AM 1 comments