Not ready to go home yet after Florida, we decided to spend 2 nights in New York city. Unfortunately the weather forecast was calling for temperatures as low as 4 degrees. This was not compatible with our Caribbean wardrobe! Luckily for us our Orlando apartment was right next to an outlet mall so we spent an hour combing through the Old Navy discount section and found some amazing deals! The kids bought sweaters for $5 and I bought a scarf for $2! It was even colder than we imagined though. We had to wear 3 layers under the sweaters (basically any long sleeved tops we had, plus a tshirt) and still felt the chill!
We had planned on going to a toy store but both of New York's toy stores are closed down! Both FAO Schwartz and the Toys R Us with the Ferris wheel are gone :(
It is amazing how many New York city blocks the kids can walk if you stop at the M&M store first!
I think this is the Plaza Hotel, right?
The afternoon before the line up for the Empire State building was 2 hours long. We went at 8am the next day and breezed right up :)
Rockefeller ice rink
St Patrick's cathedral on Easter Sunday. Not the best weekend to show up in New York. Lots of things were closed. I wanted to take the girls to the American Girl Cafe but it was closed.
PS I am SO COLD in this picture!
But there was an Easter bonnet celebration with people people some real effort in!
Next up was the American Natural History museum.
A castle in Central Park
Central park. As you can see it warmed up during the day and we were able to take a layer or two off.
John Lennon memorial in Central park
Dinner in Benni Hanna. We got so warm in here we got down to our base layers!
Ella made friends with a girls sitting beside us named Janai. She was so friendly and outgoing but the rest of her fmaily were stone cold, bordering on rude. But at least the kids enjoyed themselves because the wait for our meal was a lifetime!

Stock Exchange
Our ability to destroy a hotel room is unmatched!
There was some concern, but the Easter bunny DID manage to find us Sunday morning:)
New York is the only place I will eat bagels and cream cheese. They know how to do it.
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