Monday, April 30, 2007

Congratulations Gill and Paul!!

Monday, April 16, 2007


For you chocolate lovers out there, I have found a special treat for you.
Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy ice cream is divine! It is dark and rich and will fulfill all your chocolate cravings.

April 17th Ben & Jerry's is having Free Cone Day and we all know free ice cream has no calories so go ahead! Indulge!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Traffic cop Part 2

For those of you who enjoyed our video of the Tsing Tao Man AKA Recycler of the Year 2007, here is another one! We did not film this one, but it is the same guy. This one is famous on youtube. We were this close to our 15 minutes.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

This is the school I teach at on Wednesdays.
I was put in charge of a poster for the hallway. I chose the theme of Spring (how original)

The kids in this pic are the N1 class, age 2, so cute! I don't do much teaching with them, mostly just singing with lots of actions.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This is our friend the recycler! Looks to us like he has had too many Tsing Tao's this morning! (the local beer)
He's doing a good job conducting traffic.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter 2007

Sunday night I cooked an Easter dinner at Sarah's house. It was nice and small with just me, Sarah and Gill there.
( no I am not talking in the third person, there are 2 Sarah's here!)

All three of our husbands are away. The boys missed out big time!

On the menu:
Roast beef
double batch of Yorkshires
balsamic gravy
horseradish mashed potatoes
ginger carrots
spinach salad with goat cheese
flourless chocolate espresso cake wtih raspberry sauce!

I was worried about the roast. With no men in the house how would it get sliced up to eat??
Thankfully Sarah took care of that!

Happy Easter!!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Picks and Pans

***** The Departed - this movie is a must see! Great acting and involved storyline. The ending will leave you speechless! There is violence and gore, but the movie as a whole is so good it makes it worth while.

****1/2 Blood Diamond - loved Leo Dicaprio in this one, especially the South African accent! It has a great theme and story although I did find the ending kinda cheesy. We saw this one in Johannesburg and it was funny to hear how the "locals" reacted to the accent and slang.

***1/2 Catch a Fire - another movie based in South Africa, this one during the time of Apartied. Tim Robbins didn't master the accent like Leo, but there was enough if it there. In this movie you watch how the effect of corruption can completely change a persons life and beliefs. Based on a true story, you get to see the real guy in the credits.

*** Children of Men - A story with a theme that reminds me of The Handmaid's Tale. Set in 2027 Britain. For some reason women are no longer able to have children. The youngest person on the planet is 18 years old and the world is a violent awful place. What I liked about it was the believable depiction of the future; no moving sidewalks and robot slaves. But the movie seemed to just be one chapter in a much longer story. As Suds said when it was over, "That movie went no where" Starring Clive Owen with Michale Caine and Juliane Moore.

****1/2 300 - "This is Sparta!" This movie exceeded my expectations (although they were low). Suds wanted to see this one and I agreed after reading a review that said every scene was a work of art. I figured it was more than just your standard blood and guts film. I was right! Basically there are 300 Spartans fighting against like a gazillion Persians. The movie is based in some fact which makes it even more interesting. Considering it is a war movie there wasn't a lot of gore. I highly recommend this one for girls to see with their guys as payback for the chick flicks we drag them to. The Spartans are extremely fit men with powerful muscles and abs like you wouldn't believe! The whole movie is eye candy cause the Spartans only wear little loin cloths! Yum!

*** Saving Fish From Drowning (book) Amy Tan - This book was disappointing. I've read and loved two of her other books, The Kitchen Gods Wife and The Joy Luck Club but this book does not even come close. It is so sad when a trusted author lets you down. There were all these characters and I really didn't care about any of them. What I loved about her other books were the little details she threw in, like the sound of chopsticks and what they ate. Those things seemed to be missing in this book.

***** My Sister's Keeper (book) Jodi Picoult The best book I have read in a long time! definitely in my Top Ten of All Time! It is a tear jerker. I read it while in South Africa and finished it on camping safari . It was nap time before we went out for afternoon safari. Suds was sleeping, but I just had to finish this book. Suds wakes up and sees me bawling my eyes out reading the last page. He is completely confused as I choke out, "This book was SO good!" Girls are so weird.

Do you have any book or movies you would like to share? Post them in the comments section.