Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kitchen Update

The kitchen is complete!!

Looks like Julia likes it

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Phuket with Nana and Papa

First things first.  Get a drink.
It is hard work going on vacation.  We left the house at 6:45am and were poolside after 2pm and the flight is only 3 hours!

 Suds getting a fish pedi

 Julia finds herself a cosy spot
The fish we ate breakfast beside each morning

 Elephant ride!!

Feeding the elephants bananas

 Time for a drink

 Why do I look so frazzled on vacation?

 mobile bars are awesome!

 Great shot. Too bad we were having some foggy lens issues

 Sleepy baby wiped out after too much beach fun

 Yummy pizza lunch at Junceylon Mall

He just curled up on me and went to sleep 

Bang Bang the 8 month old lemur

I loved him instantly!  His fur was soft and dense and his hands and feet were so soft!  Like monkey hands with fingernails, not claws.

Asleep heading to the airport going back home

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Play Kitchen

 Hilary was complaining about how boring my blog has been.
I thought I had better do something blog worthy today.

So I made the girls a play kitchen out of cardboard boxes.  My personal favourite bit is the "window" above the sink.

It's not totally done, but nearly.

I can't tell which is more awesome, Julia or my mad skills
