Saturday, March 13, 2010

playgroup party in the park

The playgroup Ella goes to had a little party in the park today

There was a Disney theme to the party

I wore these ears around the house for days getting Ella primed up for her big day

Playing in the reflexology rock garden


Another little Minnie Mouse

And another Minnie Mouse. This girl is in her class. Her name is Georgia

Big girl swings

All the kids and adults singing nursery rhymes

What sort of childcare provider would provide children with this much sugar????

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sunday, March 07, 2010

afternoon at Cheung Chau

We took a 35 minute ferry from Central to Cheung Chau beach the other afternoon.

Look at all that laundry hanging out to dry!

The beach

touching the waves

Mouth full of sand

feet first into the big pit

i found a piece of glass!

What a nice afternoon!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

At the dog park

Ella and Anastasia show off their big bellies

Gustav gets into the act, too

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

Sure I could spend a lot of time creating a fabulous post about our 10 days in Vancouver.

Or I could simply post a link to the pictures already on Facebook.

Copy and paste, people

We were so excited (and sleep deprived) after Team Canada won hockey gold that we decided we must get Ella onto the ice

She was a tad shakey at first, but really started to like it

She didn't last too long. The whole experience hardly lasted 30 minutes. I think we will wait another year maybe before we give it another go.

Canada's number 1