Sunday, December 22, 2013

New York

 Did you know I snuck away to New York with Suds to do some xmas shopping?

I tagged along one of his scheduled flights.  We had 40 hours in the city.

We checked out all the store windows.
 And watched skaters at Bryant Park
 We saw the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular show
 I think this is Rockefeller Centre
 It was not warm.  In fact it was snowing when we arrived.

 elevator selphy
Time to go already :(

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Decemeber update

 There have been some complaints (by Hilary) about me not updating the blog.  Although someone else (Shannon) says she never checks anyways.  So here's my latest.  Losers.

 Ella in the chorus at her school play

 Not impressed to be kept waiting
 Walking home after the play with her friend Micaela
 Doesn't matter whose birthday it is, Ella makes sure she has a front row for cake.

The best part is, Julia climbed up all by herself and started cheesing immediately

 Xmas decorations at the mall

After our mall trip to see the decorations Ella had a Star Wars themed party to go to.  She wanted to dress as a girl storm trooper.
  It took me 2 days to whip this outfit together and she took it off 15 minutes into the party.
 Carols on the Pitch is Ella's school version of a Christmas Concert.  Only instead of sweating in the school gym where everyone smells like wet dog in their wet winter coats, they give us free mulled wine, encourage family picnics, and we relax on blankets outside on the field.
 Yah we win that contest, Canada.
 With her classmates getting ready to sing
 decorating our tree
 I look happy, but really I am just in between screechings of, "Put that down!", "That doesn't go there!", "Don't step on the decorations!"
   This is your typical birthday in DB.

Cupcakes and open alcohol in a public park.

Because nothing says Happy Birthday to a 3 year old better than getting day drunk at the playground.

 Waiting for a turn with the pinata.
 Pass the parcel prize
 black icing tongue

An Ariel party that same afternoon!
 Julia and her friends
 Julia and Martha
 I turn my back for a moment and Julia is into the knives to remove those annoying tags.
Julia hosts a playdate and gets into the tickle trunk.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Suds' first trail race!

Pre-race, all geared up to run/hike on a 14km trail up and down a mountain.

Here he comes!!!

Suds did AWESOME!!  He came in 23rd out of 180 entries.  His time was 2 hours and 7 minutes.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Ella dancing

Here is Ella in her Year 1 show, "Hansel and Gretal:  The untold story"
Suds was working for the big night, so he took this video during a dress rehearsal.

It was such a fantastic performance.  We've ordered the official DVD, hopefully I can make send to talent agents.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Suds' 40th birthday party

 Before the guests arrived the girls has their first Shirley Temple drink!
 The menu
 The girls table :)

There were boys at the party but I guess I didn't take their pictures....

I still had 100 glowsticks leftover from Mexico so they came to this party as well.
Everyone loves glowsticks!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Ella's school update

Ella and her classmates dressed for Diwali.  Yes I know she is the smallest in her class.

Sports Day at school

She may be small, but look at how hard she is trying!!!

Saturday, November 02, 2013

 Adventures with Daddy

 A big bug that mommy caught

 painting at a birthday party