Monday, December 22, 2008

Xmas in New York

Here are some random shots for our New York Xmas. Suds leaves soon and Ella have 2 days to ourselves before he returns.

This is all the post I have time for now, sorry!

The tree at Rockefeller Center

Ella and I waiting in line at American Girl for the store to open.

Here are the different looking dolls. We think this one might be the closest to Ella.

In the store the dolls can get their hair styled, ears pierced and can even spend the night in the dolly hospital!

These are the Bitty Babies. They get their own bouncer!

Windows at Macy's

Times square at night

central park

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Times Square during the day

Ella and the "Big" piano in FAO Shwartz

Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. These guys rented an RV and were traveling around singing and dancing. They were there waiting for us when we left the Red Lobster

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's snowing!!

Here is Suds helping Ella to catch her first snowflake on her tongue!