Monday, July 30, 2007

San Francisco

On Wednesday I flew to San Francisco to meet with Suds. It was a nice clear day leaving Vancouver.

Gorgeous snowy mountain tops!

Here I am landing in San Fran

Suds' hotel is right downtown in the heart of the shopping! Unfortunately it was much colder than I thought. Everyone was bundled up in coats and scarves!

We bought some tickets from a scalper for the Giants game. we wanted to be there if Bonds hit a home run. We had a pre-game drink across from the stadium at Momo's

The stadium is only a few years old and really nice!
Sadly for us Baroid Bonds had taken the night off.

Look at the prices for drinks in the stadium!
I was so thirsty but I woulda rather died of thirst than pay $4.50 for a small bottle of water!

The next day we went down to Fisherman's Wharf for some lunch and window shopping.

I had a great bowl of clam chowder in a bread bowl while we looked at the seals. Sadly one of the seals had a huge open wound gash in his chest. We had to look away while we ate :)

These kayakers are in the water in case a ball gets hit out of the park into the bay. Some have shirts that read "Bonds Navy". Apparently the ball that gets hit out of the park to break the record will be worth big bucks.

Here's the man, the legend, Mr Bonds

We bought some cheap tickets off another scalper and caught an afternoon game the next day as well.

He didn't do much but get hit out a lot, catch a ball in the field and then hit a double....only to call in a runner to finish off the inning and walk off the field and out of the game.

Christina Lake part 2

On Friday Cindy and family showed up in the RV.

Bocce ball in the front yard

Another feast including my Caesar Salad that was so garlicky it could have killed a vampire.

One of the Walnuts stopped by with his adorable twins. This guy was drawn to Ben Sr.

Saturday we spent at the beach.

Tubing with Uncle Suds

Uncle Larry the muscle man!

Saturday night and it was the Walnuts (from Grand Forks) vs. the Nutcrackers (the Sutherland's) in a slo pitch game

Ben Jr running for first before his game ending injury. He threw a ball from left field to the infield and seriously pulled something in his arm.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Christina Lake

A few years ago we stayed at this campground, Vaseaux Lake. Unfortunately this time when we got there it was raining so we decided to keep going.

We saw so many deer!! Sadly on our way home we also 2 road kills :(

We spent the night at Rock Creek at a private campground. We had horses to keep us company.

Look at that beautiful fire about to be lit!

Our campsite

The owner of the campsite drove us down the river a ways and we floated back. It was so nice and relaxing

Back at the campsite there was a gorgeous rainbow before sunset

See these swim shorts Suds has on? When he first bought them he was concerned that nothing matched them. After some tries he found lots to wear with them. So much so that after putting on this Mack jacket he pronounced,
"Everything goes with these shorts!!"
uh, no. The blue plaid does not go with camoflauge!

Thursday night tailgate party at mike's in Christina Lake

A big lasagne, steak and chicken wing feast for dinner

I am not a golfer, but the course at Christina Lake is stunning! Almost beautiful enough for me to swing a club.

Ben Sr shows us how it's done

Ben Jr takes a swing