Sunday, March 22, 2015

Major round up

 Julia at the dentist.  Last time involved hysterics so this visit was a huge success!
 Julia and her good friend Claire.

 Julia and Martha proudly showing off their gingerbread men.
 Playing in the dirt
 Posing in the dirt :)
 Side pony tails girls
 Ella and Julia at art class

 At the Disney hotel

 Book week at school.  Ella dressed as the mouse Thea Stilton

 For Julia's book week activity we went to her school in our pajamas to listen to stories being read at night.

 Ella before her duathalon race where she did a run bike run.

 At the start line.

 After finishing the race in 5th place.  Her friend won first!
 At her first ice skating party.  Her friend is the same age as her....

 Julia on Space Mountain.  Look at that serious side eye she is cutting!

Ella is behind us but closed her eyes because she was worried the flash would hurt her sore eyes.

 Julia dressed and ready for dance class.

Julia at sports day catching some serious air on the sack race!

 Ella's perfect handstand