Saturday, March 28, 2009

I notice Ella had gone quiet in the bouncer. I look up and see this....

She is fascinated by how it is attached to the door frame:)

She sat in it like that for a long time, just looking up to the heavens

Ella was rudely awoken by some jackhammering so I took the opportunity to check out the playroom in the building.

Most stuff is for older kids, but she did like her ride in the car.

Cute outfit to go for a walk in.

Shoes taste yummy!

Saturday morning in the park

Friday, March 27, 2009

The shot we took when we originally realized Ella could stand unassisted.

Ella eating papaya. It looks like she enjoys it, but I think she just likes squishing it in her hands

Saturday, March 21, 2009


10 points to the first person to identify the famous person in this shot.
Name and profession

Sunday, March 15, 2009

security breach!!

Hey! What's thru there?

I'm making a break for it.

Uh oh the walls are caving in!

Better get a move on!

I'm free!

No one can catch me now!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ella's latest news

On Friday Ella could stand all by herself holding onto the couch. She's good there for quite some time, too.

The pics are blurry 'cause I was here by myself and it was scary to have both hands on the camera (phone). What if she fell and I couldn't catch her in time???

Today was nice and sunny so we headed out for a walk.

Ella was right into it.


I stopped to by some groceries so we took the bus home.
Obviously Ella wasn't ready for her walk to end!

"What do you mean we are going home??"

Back at home in the "Ella Containment Zone"

I turned my back today and once found her chewing on electrical cords and once in the cat food. Not good.

I don't know why she is so smiley.
Yesterday and today she has given up all daytime naps except for 1 hour between 8am-9am.
I am going totally crazy.

My only resolution this year was to use less plastic and harmful chemicals in my life.

So I have been upgrading my tupperware to glass.

This is the label that came with my new glass dishes.

Can you read the crazy translation??

Saturday, March 07, 2009