Thursday, May 21, 2009

latest tricks

I'm number one!

This is the cheeky monster that greets us each morning. Standing up and ready to come out and play!

Ella feeding herself

Ella crawling like a normal baby:) But she still moves faster doing the inch worm!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ella hosts a pool party

Ella had lots of fun with Jack today splashing in her new pool. Pools have become way cooler these days. This one has a mushroom top for shade and lots of inflatable toys.

Here Ella is taking all of Jack's toys. She doesn't share.

Jack needs some help standing from mommy, but Ella is one cool customer, hanging on with only one hand:)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dinner Party

Andrew, Dane and Kitty came over for an impromptu dinner. That's the best kind for me; low stress.

Having a small place and few opportunities to entertain, we are not very well equipped. We have a max of 4 of everything...4 plates, 4 red wine glasses and 4 stools for the table.
Andrew volunteered to ride the short bus to dinner:) He got the low chair.

The good times continued onto the terrace to ensure Ella got her beauty rest.

Suds' photographer skills have been effected by this point it seems LOL

Monday, May 11, 2009

On Sunday Ella and I headed to the park for some swing action.

Just that day she had started making this face all the time! It's so funny!
I can just imagine her in her terrible two's giving me this look all the time LOL

She seems to have been having some mood swings :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ella loves the water

This is my new favourite picture!

I had just popped her into the floaty and she just seems to be bursting with happiness and surprise!

Ella with her friend the pool party hostess

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ella practicing her furniture walking

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

ella at Gymboree

Monday afternoon we all went to Gymboree class.

There were 1/2 a dozen kids (with an adult) there and the instructor.

She had lots of fun practicing her crawling and standing skilz.

But her favorite part was the parachute. It makes sense, I always loved the parachute when I was a kid, too!