Saturday, October 29, 2011

dum dum da dum

Ella recently received an invitation to her classmate Frances'
"Getting Married/Turning 4" party.
The invite looked like a proper wedding invite with vellum overlay and everything.

After several hellish weeks of hand sewing Halloween costumes, this task reinvigorated me. I was inspired!!

Ella's veil, complete with blusher is my most proudest achievement!

Party is Nov 6. More photo's to come I am sure!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I try to be a crafty mom. I try to let Ella be a kid and have fun in a safe way. I scour the internet for fun ideas we can do together. I've printed the ideas off and have assembled them into a book for quick and easy access for whenever one of us has a free 15 minutes to kill. And we use it, too!

There are literally thousands of blogs out there by brilliant and artistic and patient mom's. They are homeschooling their kids. They are making crafts with their kids. They go on fun local adventures with their kids. They have pictures and how to tips to help the eager like myself. It seems to go off without a hitch. Everyone is happy and enjoys themselves.

Why don't these blogs reflect MY reality? Why aren't their kids throwing hissy fits, dumping paint everywhere on purpose, not listening to my simple and clear instructions and generally sh*tting all over my fun plans? I don't want to make paper bag pumpkins but I thought you would enjoy it. I guess not.

Why aren't these mom's totaling losing it and declaring "Never again....."

Maybe this is what the internet needs? An honest blog about raising kids where the kids are monsters, the parents hopes dashed anew every day and end up drinking their disappointment in themselves at night.

Nah. No one wants to see THAT.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ella running amok in a water fountian