Sunday, December 26, 2010

the local swimming hole

Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 22nd and perfect BBQ weather: low humidity, 20 degrees and a slight breeze

Monday, December 20, 2010

picture with Santa

Ella was all smiles until it was time to sit beside Santa and have her photo taken

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

townhouse pics now with our junk, too!!

Ella gets to bathe in a big bathtub every night now. As a special treat the other night, I made her a bubble bath for the first time

Ella's playroom.
She just loves it!

The living room. This place is big enough for me to have a chair just for breastfeeding the new baby. They even made a kids version (although without the color options) so Ella can sit beside me

The kitchen

Our bedroom

The new baby's room

Santa's picnic at Inspiration Lake

We organized a picnic at Inspiration Lake near Disneyland for Ella and her friends. It was complete with Secret Santa gifts, the man in red himself and even catered with a turkey!

Ollie's Dad was Santa

Bella gets a gift

Ella's turn

Ella and Ollie playing with their gifts

More gifts? Everyone was given 2.

Thank you Santa

Ella in big sister mode giving Pippa some water

Ella's best friend Ollie

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Buzz Lightyear!

Ella blowing kisses to the RCMP at It's a Small World

Big Momma in the Disney snow

The Xmas parade. It was so cool, they even had fake snow fluttering around

This picture is actually from the visit before where we sat in on a drawing session where we learned how to draw Donald Duck

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

decorating the gingerbread house


Sadly the same day the humidity got the better of the thin cheap cookie house. The roof got soft and fell in the middle

Our first real tree in HK. We had to buy a lot more decorations!!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Ella's Big Sister bed

AKA someone else needs my crib.

Saturday, December 04, 2010


Does anyone even care about the rest of our New Zealand trip? Clearly I have moved on...
Here is Ella talking to her Daddy while eating spaghetti

"What are you talking about, Daddy? Of course I am being good for Mommy"

"Yah yah yah"

I see Mommy do this all the time. No problem. It's easy
