Monday, November 16, 2015

Singing a little ditty before bed......

Saturday, November 07, 2015


 The first house to trick or treat at!
 Free candy!!!

 Ella's eyes looked so eerily light-coloured in the middle of the make-up

 Marty McFly from Back to the Future
 Handing out candy back at our place.  We handed out over 1100 pieces of candy in under 2 hours.  Wow!

 And then all of a sudden I saw Slimer from Ghostbusters walking down the street.  I gave him a shout out and over he came for a hug.  Highlight of the night:)

 My glittery gold and green eye shadow. 
Thank you

Friday, November 06, 2015


 Yup I did it again.  But this time I tagged along to Rome where we had 51 hours to explore.

This is the North Gate to the city where we met our first guide for a walking tour.

 The private residence for the Borghese family.  They are an old Roman family who were crazy rich.  Their family crest can be seen on building throughout the city.

 The Pantheon.  Raphael is buried inside here.  It is a  gorgeous building, breathtaking to be inside.
 Fountain at Piazza Navona
 Sculpted river god
 The Romans sure had some fancy ceilings!

 Our first night (a Saturday) was in a B&B in the Trastevere area.  We woke from our nap at 9PM and the fountain in front of our room was packed with people mingling and drinking.  It was a great eating and drinking area.

 The Roman Forums
 The Colosseum
 More fancy ceilings

 Castel Saint-Angelo.  That tall guy is our tour guide
 The Swiss Guard at the Vatican.  They do a 2 year stint and must be Swiss and must be Catholic.  Apparently they must also be young and cute :)
 The Vatican

 Piazza Venezia.  One of my favourites, although apparently hated by all Romans :)
 The Forum
Piazza Venezia
 The Trevi Fountain, which was undergoing re-refurbishment

 There was quite a few militia in Rome.  As one our guides said, Paris, Madrid and London have been hit by terrorists.  Rome is next.
 The Spanish Steps.  Also closed for re-refurbishment

 Lunch at Piazza Navona