Saturday, November 25, 2006

Shannon's Visit

At the Happy Valley races on Wednesday night.
On Tuesday night, the night Shannon arrived, we had some Champagne at the apartment and a glass or two of wine. We then decided to head out to Lan Kwai Fong for one more drink. Famous last words! When we finally said enough is enough! we stepped out of the bar into daylight! Yes it was 8am Wednesday morning! We were stumbling home as more normal people were walking their kids to school. It is a miracle we made it to the races that night.

We didn't win on ONE BET!!!! Good thing we saved money on drinks...we were not in the mood for more than one!

Thursday Shannon and I headed to the big Buddah on Lantau Island (near the airport)
It took about 25 minutes by cable car.

The cable car just opened in the summer along with a little souvenir shop village.

We had a moment of panic when the cars stopped for no reason and we were suspended high above the sea. But a few minutes later we started back up and successfully made the trip.

At the nightly Light Spectacular.
Every night at 8PM there is a light and

laser show you can watch from Kowloon side. Can you believe it has been a year and this was the first time I have ever seen it? Its about 15 minutes long and set to music.

Last night it was dinner at Sahara, a Moroccan restaurant we found. When we discovered it, it was newly opened and a hidden jem. No it seems word has spread and it was packed!

Sahara jam packed with diners.