Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas in Brooklyn, New York

Ella and I had a Carrie Bradshaw moment and hired a private car to take us Brooklyn. Believe it or not, their quote was cheaper than a taxi!

Our hotel room was fantastic!

Such a cosy bed with all those pilllows!

I had the day before Suds arrived so Ella and I strolled around the near by residential neighbourhood.

We would love to live here!

Xmas morning and time for gifts! I was so excited, I forgot to take a picture of the tree! I bought a little tree for our room and there were lots of gifts underneath.

After gifts it was time to tour Suds around to see the cool homes.

Of course there were lots of photo ops!

We loved how they decorated their homes for Xmas. These tree boughs had little birds!

It was a clear and bright morning.
This is the view looking towards downtown.

We think Hong Kong's skyline kicks New York's butt!

As close as I got to the statue

For lunch we had Thai food with the flight crew. There wasn't much open to choose from. It was either Thai or Dunkin Donuts:)

Ella was a big hit and got passed from flight attendant to flight attendant down the row. I am sure her pictures are all over facebook! It was like a photoshoot!

There's our little tree!

On Xmas morning Ella sucked her toes all by herself!

Very early on Boxing Day we headed back to Hong Kong. (thanks Whit) The flight was 16 hours! But we made it eventually. Once we landed we were faced with a baggage handlers trike and had t o leave the airport without of luggage or stroller. Thank god everything was delivered safley the next day. The last piece arived at 1am!


Buck'n Beaver said... thinks that you may already miss Vancouver....otherwise you were on the longest New York - Vancouver flight in history! LoL. xoxo w