Sunday, February 04, 2007


After Kruger Park we decieded to skip Mozambique and instead go to Swaziland.
We expected the drive to Swaziland to take
maybe 3 hours. It took 9.

This is our lunch stop at a dam. Around to the left are summer homes and trailers. The water is infected with Bilhazria, which is something you do not want to catch.

Our first stop in Swazi? Get money of course!
Swaziland is its own country inside the country of South Africa (like Quebec will one day be!) They have their own currency but acccept the SA Rand as well. They are worth the same.

Our hostel was in the middle of a protected park. Swaziland had all of its animals poached and has now been restocked. That little round hut is ours!

As soon as we entered the park we were met by animals! This is a young zebra colt.

Our first night we went to see a free show with Swaziland traditional dancers.

The next morning I opened our huts door and was greeted by a family of warthogs! A momma and 3 little piglets.

We took a tour of a cultural village and were able to see how villages lived together.

These huts were really complicated to make with strings of braided grass knotted together sort of making a net and covering the dome.

After the village it was a picnic at the waterfalls.

Cows have the right of way here.
Suds was so worried one would attack us and scratch the paint!

Our little hut.

There were avocado tree on the property! I had never seen one before.
When I was little we would try to get an avocado pit to sprout and grow. Thankfully we were not successful because they grow into a HUGE tree!