Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My first day at work

Today was my first day teaching English in Hong Kong.

I was out of the apartment at 7:30am heading to the MTR. I had big plans to snap a pic of myself on the train during the hectic morning commute but I forgot I was a chicken! The best I could do was to take a picture in the tunnel switching trains!

This is the MTR map. Click to enlarge so you can see where I went. I started at Sheung Wan the beginning of the blue line I headed to North Point and transfered thru the orange tunnel to the purple line heading to Tsuen Kwan O.

From the MTR station it is a quick 10 minute walk to the school. The commute is just under an hour, including walking time. This area is all high rise apartments. There are a lot of people living here! I believe some apartments are income assisted.

Looking at the station map there are 10 schools within walking distance.

It was a cold and overcast day which was unfortunate because I was in short sleeves and no sweater. It seemed everyone was looking at m
e funny all day, first because of no sweater, then because I was the only white person for miles in this neighborhood, then the dead silence when during lunch I whip out my Tupperware filled with salad and a big bottle of water while all the other teachers are eating the provided rice and Chinese food. You would have thought salad was illegal!

Here people are doing Tai Chi under the apartment supports.

More buildings! Getting close to school now!

Here is the front doors to CCC HK Chi To Church Kei Pok Kindergarten.

I think that is the sure looks crazy!

There are 7 different classrooms as well as several play/assembly rooms.

The girls bathroom. Look at those mini toilets!
Thankfully at the far end there is a regular sized one, with a door!



Way to go Sarah!! Congratulations! How happy are you that first day is over....looks pretty intimidating.