Saturday, May 13, 2006

Baby shower

Shannon threw a baby shower for Barbara and Otto while we were in Vancouver. I even got to wear my freshly purchased Sugarlime earrings!!

It was a mini high school reunion, which means we will not be attending the real one this year!!

Seeing these pics, and the ones on Shannon's blog have me thinking, "why the heck is my skin always so flushed?" It must be that chilly Spring air on the West Coast, cause we had not had that much to drink, regardless of all slander I have been reading about myself! lol

You can see the new dress I bought specially for the shower. I also wore it to the Sugarlime jewelry party I went to with Tiffany before the shower. It was at that party that a former co-worker (who I will not name but the name rhymes with Candy) actually asked me if I was "sporting a baby" under the dress! And I had a glass of wine in my hand at the time!! Obviously I am not over the comment:) It was extra bad because when I bought the dress and showed Suds he said it looked like a maternity dress. Whatever.


Hilary said...

Faux Pas!!!!!
You looked awesome.
So awesome that Shannon U went out and bought the same dress 3 days ago!!!

and you look red because you are tanned and no one here has seen real sun in months. Don't worry we'll all catch up

Otto, Jacob, Barb & Francis said...

i thought you looked great too, although i have been wondering if you are hiding something ever since that fishy can't leave the cat story... but not because you look like you have something to hide but just cause you never know!?!?!?!? some people do the 3 month rule!!!! k now that i have everyone second guessing i will go bye

Buck'n Beaver said...

Regretably due to an illness quite similar to morning sickness I missed the shower and the dress.....I wonder if subconsciously Sarah is buying certain clothes in preparation for.....