Sunday, July 30, 2006

Miami Vice the movie

Hilary and I just went to see Miami Vice. What a terrible terrible movie. I encourage people to go and see it just so I might find out what sort of person would actually LIKE this film! People walked out in the middle and we were both tempted to, as well.
Colin Farrel is awful! His accent changes and every once in a while he would lower the pitch of his voice by an octave or two for no apparent reason. And the hockey hair has to go!! He should adopt a new rule, to never film a movie without his naturel Irish Brogue. He is in the majority of the movie, which is too bad because Jamie Foxx was less painful of the two to watch.
Half the time Hilary and I had no idea what was going on. It was like the characters were speaking a different language.
In the end I didn't care about the characters, I had no idea what their mission really was or if the accomplished it, and have less respect for both actors...what were they thinking??? Is this why Colin is doing twice the promoting than Jamie is? Maybe Jamie wised up and realized what a peice of crap he made!


Hilary said...

I know!! Before we went I read a review that gave it 3 out of 5 stars!!

I sat there wishing that Sarah would ask if I wanted to leave. I haven't ever walked out of a movie, but I would have on this one!