Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December 1st was World Aids Day. It was certainly different to experince it in Africa. Every channel (we only have 4!!) was talking about it all day. There were journalists having HIV tests live on air (they did not reveal the results) On the radio the were telling people to assume they were positive until they test came back otherwise. Wise advice, but it somehow took on a more ominous meaning here. In the news paper it said that 50% of 15 yearolds will not live to see 60, a harrowing statstic!

Suds left on his first trip on Monday. He was up at 4am to catch his flight to Johannesburg and poor Jeff had to drive him. It is a 30 minute drive there but it took Jeff over an hour to get back after missing a turnoff :( That was the start of a terrible day for Jeff that included locking the keys in the house and tearing his shorts breaking in (thru the window the landlord said it was impossible to break in thru) as well as waiting in the bank line for 20 minutes then being told he needed his passport, and when it was finally time to kite surf he had forgotten a vital part of the contraption in Hong Kong! It was a $300US mistake to fix! Oops! But the wind picked up and he ws able to surf for awile. At one point there were 50 kite surfers in the air. It was amazing. Some of the guys are really talented! I just chilled on the beach reading. I slathered on the sunscreen but somehow forgot my arms, which got a little red. The worst part for me is the wind; good for surfing, not good to have your pages and hair whipped around and sand blasted at you! I might just concentrate on our pool.
More pics later. I tried to add some but forgot that the battery was low and it ran out. I managed to add an extra penguin pic to the last post as requested by Hilary.


Hilary said...

thank you for the pic. They do look a little rough. they must be so hot.