Friday, December 01, 2006

Just arrived in Cape Town

We have arrived!
Had a long 12 hour flight from Hong Kong to Johannesburg with not much sleep. Then a 3 hour wait till our 2 hour connecter (747) to Cape Town. We picked up our rental car and away we drove. The car is a standard and right hand driving which means the first time Suds went to signal to change lanes he turned on the window wipers!! One of the first sights we see is a huge shanty town. Hundreds of little 5X5 tin shacks one after the other with little room in between. It was shocking. We have seen poverty before, but this was very different.
We met up with Matthias and headed to our temporary home. Not quite as grand as I had imagined, but still great. Three bedrooms, 3 baths, a pool, great big lounge room and a braai (fireplace BBQ). First order of business? Bottle of wine by the pool! The homeowner, Marlon, spent some time with us giving us tips and sightseeing ideas. Told us they have had the house for 10 years and never a break in. It was safe to walk to the shops in the day, you know, the normal stuff!
After a shower we headed out for a steak dinner be the sea. One of the best dinner I have ever had. South Africa is known for its fabulous meat and it was not expensive. We had a bottle of local wine, carpaccio of Springbok and then huge kabobs. It set down on the table with the skewer hanging down from a metal stand. Great presentation. Very tender and with rice and veg. Then more wine at home and early bed.
Today we are heading into Cape Town proper and the V&A Waterfront. Also in our future is to visit with penguins, watch the kite surfers on the beach, visit wine country and tour the Garden Route along the southern coast.
So far not the dangerous place we feared, but still must be careful. In parking lots there are attendants that direct you to an empty stall, watch your car while you are away so it doesn't get stolen and then help you back out safely. Still don't know if they expect money for this, we just drive away with a wave. First of mainly things to learn about and get used to!
More to come later!!! Hopefully with pictures!


Anonymous said...

Can we see where in the world you are exactly, I know where South Africa is but thats about it.

Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

We are staying near Cape Town in a place called Table View. try Google earth and find us that way. I will try to put a link up soon.