Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas in South Africa

Here we are on the patio opening all our xmas cards! We received lots, thank you!!

Suds enjoying the water feature

Later that day we headed to Camps Bay for dinner with Jeff. We had a nap and by the time we got down there we were eating at 10PM! Afterwards we had a drink at Opium and watched all the models. Cape Town is a model mecca!

Christmas Eve Suds and I went to Century City and the Canal Walk shopping center. Inside they had a "giant" ice rink and sled rides with Siberian husky dogs. The "ice" was really a type of plastic matting you could use ice skates on. To go sledding a trainer ran two huskies strapped to a sled around in a circle a few times (you can see the track just behind my head)

I wanted to go meet and pet the dogs so bad, but you had to pay. They were so cute!!!

Because we are total tourists, we went on the canal gondola ride.
The trip was about 20 minutes. We toured around thru some nice hotels and apartments and an amusement park. The gondola was powered by a motor, but it was almost totally silent.

After the mall we started cooking our Xmas Eve Braai (BBQ) In South Africa they use wood burned down to coals to cook with. We had seen it done but this was our first shot at it ourselves.

We decided to try to burn as much wood as we could. We had quite a rager going for awhile.

I grossly underestimated the time it would take to cook this way. Dinner was to be at 7 but we ate at 10PM. Oops!

Alex (AKA The Italian), Suds, me and Jeff enjoying dinner.

Christmas morning opening our stockings.

About noon we headed to SaltyCrax Bakpackers.
Carla (in the yellow) is the owner as well as a Police Constable (nice combo, eh?)

Eating outside was a nice change for Xmas. there were about 20 of us for brunch. Our courses were separated with free shots of Jagaermeister! Just your typical holiday celebration!

Here is all the food. It was fabulous! We had turkey, ham, sausage, stuffing, several salads, mince pies, and more Jagaer!


Yzerfontein said...

Thanks for sharing the clickies - what restaurant were you in in Camps Bay?